Clothing | Wizarding World Wizards at large in the Muggle community may reveal themselves to each other by wearing the colours of purple and green, often in combination. However, this is no more than an unwritten code, and there is no obligation to conform to it. Plenty of members o www.wizardingworld.com 옷 - Clothing - 머글 공동체에 속한 마법사들은 대체로 보라색이나 초록색, 또는 그 둘이 섞인 색의 옷을 입어 자신을 드러내기도 한다. 그러나 이는 단지 ..

Hogwarts Portraits | Wizarding World Hogwarts portraits are able to talk and move around from picture to picture. They behave like their subjects. However, the degree to which they can interact with the people looking at them depends not on the skill of the painter, but on the power of the wi www.wizardingworld.com 호그와트 초상화들 - Hogwarts Portraits - 호그와트 초상화들은 말을 할 수도 있고 다른 그림으로 이동하여 돌아다닐 수도 있다. 그..

Peeves | Wizarding World The name ‘poltergeist’ is German in origin, and roughly translates as ‘noisy ghost’, although it is not, strictly speaking, a ghost at all. The poltergeist is an invisible entity that moves objects, slams doors and creates other audible, kinetic di www.wizardingworld.com 피브스 - Peeves - 폴터가이스트라는 이름은 독일어에서 유래하였으며, 엄격하게 말해서는 유령이 아니지만 일반적으로는 '시끄러운 유령'이라고 번역된다. 폴터가이스트는 물건을 움직..

Wizarding Schools | Wizarding World The number of countries that have their own magical school is minuscule compared to those that do not. This is because the wizarding populations of most countries choose the option of home schooling. Occasionally, too, the magical community in a given coun www.wizardingworld.com 마법 학교들 - Wizarding Schools - 자체적인 마법 학교를 가진 나라의 수는 그렇지 않은 나라에 비해 아주 극소수이다. 이는 대부분의..

Wizarding Schools | Wizarding World The number of countries that have their own magical school is minuscule compared to those that do not. This is because the wizarding populations of most countries choose the option of home schooling. Occasionally, too, the magical community in a given coun www.wizardingworld.com 보바통 마법학교 - Beauxbatons Academy of Magic - 피레네 산맥 어딘가에 있다고 생각되며, 방문객들은 마법에 의한 산악지역의..

Wizarding Schools | Wizarding World The number of countries that have their own magical school is minuscule compared to those that do not. This is because the wizarding populations of most countries choose the option of home schooling. Occasionally, too, the magical community in a given coun www.wizardingworld.com 카스텔로브루슈 - Castelobruxo - 남미 전역에서 학생들을 받는 브라질에 위치한 마법 학교는 깊은 열대우림 숲 속에 위치한다고 알려졌다. ..

Wizarding Schools | Wizarding World The number of countries that have their own magical school is minuscule compared to those that do not. This is because the wizarding populations of most countries choose the option of home schooling. Occasionally, too, the magical community in a given coun www.wizardingworld.com 덤스트랭 교육기관 - Durmstrang Institute - 덤스트랭은 11개의 마법 학교들 중에서 가장 어둠의 마법에 정통하다는 평을 갖고 있지..

Wizarding Schools | Wizarding World The number of countries that have their own magical school is minuscule compared to those that do not. This is because the wizarding populations of most countries choose the option of home schooling. Occasionally, too, the magical community in a given coun www.wizardingworld.com 일베르모니 마법학교 - Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry - 위대한 북미 마법학교는 17세기에 설립되..

Wizarding Schools | Wizarding World The number of countries that have their own magical school is minuscule compared to those that do not. This is because the wizarding populations of most countries choose the option of home schooling. Occasionally, too, the magical community in a given coun www.wizardingworld.com 마호토코로 - Mahoutokoro - 이 고대 일본 학교는 다른 훌륭한 마법 학교들 중에서 가장 적은 수의 학생을 받으며, 7세부터 학생을 받는다..

Wizarding Schools | Wizarding World The number of countries that have their own magical school is minuscule compared to those that do not. This is because the wizarding populations of most countries choose the option of home schooling. Occasionally, too, the magical community in a given coun www.wizardingworld.com 와가두 - Uagadou - 비록 아프리카에 작은 마법 학교들이 여럿 있긴 하지만, 오랜 세월 동안 살아남아(최소한 천 년) 뛰어난 국제적 평판을 ..
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